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Ukrainska Pravda website attacked by DDOS

06.10.2021, 20:01


The website of the Ukrainian Pravda online edition has been down for some time due to a DDoS attack. This was reported to IMI by the editor-in-chief of the publication Sevhil Musayeva.

“Error 404” message appeared when accessing the site.

"Sorry! Page not found. Such a page does not exist on the server. This page may have been deleted, renamed, or temporarily unavailable. Return to the main page or use the search, ”the website says.

Sevhil Musayeva does not exclude that the attack may be connected with the organization of a rally in support of Skhemy journalists, who were attacked on October 4 during an interview with Ukreximbank Chairman of the Board Yevhen Metzher.

"We are checking the information, and now we are trying to restore the site," Sevhil Mausayeva said.

As IMI reported, Sevhil Museva organized an action in support of Schem journalists near the Ukreximbank building on October 6 in Kyiv, who was attacked during an interview with the head of the financial institution, Yevhen Metzher.

As IMI reported, on October 4 in Kyiv, employees of the state-owned Ukreximbank used brute force against  the film crew of "Skhemy" while recording an interview with the chairman of the financial institution Eugene Metzher right in his office.

The Kyiv Police has initiated criminal proceedings for obstructing the professional activities of journalists of the “Schemes” program (Part 1 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Ukreximbank accused "Skhemy"'s journalists of misappropriating information with limited access (banking secrecy) and violating the Code of Ethics for Ukrainian Journalists.

On October 4, journalists for “Skhemy”were summoned for questioning as victims to establish all the circumstances of the incident at Ukreximbank during a recording of an interview with Chairman of the Board Yevhen Metzher.

On October 4, the editorial board of "Skhemy" managed to restore the video deleted by Ukreximbank employees during the attack on the film crew in the office of the head of the state bank Yevhen Metzher.

On October 5, the Supervisory Board of Ukreximbank announced that it had begun investigating the circumstances of the conflict with Schemy journalists.

On October 6, Ukreximbank's Chairman of the Board Yevhen Metzher said he would step down from office during the police investigation and an internal bank investigation into the conflict with “Skhemy” journalists.

On October 6, Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova said that the Office of the Prosecutor General would not cover for the actions of employees of the state-owned Ukreximbank who attacked the TV crew of the "Skhemy" program. The person in charge will be notified of the suspicion.

On October 6, the Supervisory Board of Ukreximbank decided to suspend the Chairman of the Board of Ukreximbank Yevhen Metzher from the exercise of his powers for the duration of the internal investigation.

On October 6, police officers requalified the case on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Art. 171 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (Obstruction of lawful professional activity of journalists by an officer). The initial registration at the request of journalists was under Part 1 of Art. 171 (obstruction by denial of access, seizure of equipement, illegitimate ban to cover some issues and so on).

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