Ukraine has twice asked Youtube to close Medvedchuk's TV channels. No response
Ukraine has twice officially applied to YouTube asking to block the pages of “112 Ukraina”, NewsOne and ZIK, TV channels which have been sanctioned. The Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko said it interviewed by RBC-Ukraine.
As Oleksander Tkachenko said, the company did not respond yet to the Ukrainian side.
"An appeal was sent, and the repeated appeal was as well, because after that there were other decisions on sanctions against Medvedchuk. There has been no answer yet, ” Tkachenko said.
As IMI reported, As IMI reported, on February 2, Volodymyr Zelensky has enacted the National Security and Defense Council decision of February 2, 2021 on the application of sanctions against MP Taras Kozak and television channels 112 Ukraine, NewsOne, and ZIK, the press service of the President's Office has reported.On February 25, the Administrative Court of Cassation received a lawsuit from 112-TV Television and Radio Company (112 Ukraine) appealing to the Presidential Decree of February 2 to impose sanctions on him.
As IMI reported, on February 11, the Cassation Administrative Court within the Supreme Court opened proceedings in one of the cases on the claim for sanctions against TV channels "112 Ukraina", NewsOne, ZIK.
On February 9, the Administrative Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court refused to institute proceedings over a claim requiring to declare illegal and revoke the decree of the President of Ukraine on the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against three TV channels.
The second lawsuit, which also challenges the presidential decree, was left without action by the Supreme Court and the plaintiff was given 10 days to remedy the deficiencies.
On February 8, the Supreme Court of Ukraine received another lawsuit from an individual against the President Volodymyr Zelensky demanding that the decree imposing a decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against 112 Ukraine, NewsOne, and ZIK be declared illegal.
On February 4, two lawsuits were filed with the Supreme Court against the decree of the President of Ukraine on the application of sanctions against MP Taras Kozak and TV channels 112 Ukraina, NewsOne and ZIK.
On April, IMI reported, 10 lawsuits challenging the decree on sanctions was considered at the Administrative Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, as the website of the Supreme Court reported on April 5.
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