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Stanislav Aseyev has been wounded in combat

02.07.2024, 14:42

Journalist, writer, former political prisoner of the Kremlin Stanislav Aseyev was wounded in combat.

He announced this on July 2 on X (formerly Twitter).

He posted a photo with the shrapnel piece that hit him in the neck.

Knock knock knocking on heaven's door...
A miracle happened to me again. This piece of shrapnel entered my neck, missed the artery, and got stuck in soft tissue. And a fragment that got into my chest did not penetrate the lung. Another one was pulled out of my ear.
So I'm fine:)

— Stanislav Aseyev (@AseyevStanislav) July 2, 2024

Earlier, on May 1, Aseyev reported receiving a concussion in combat and being hospitalized. He was in the hottest segment of the frontline, near Ocheretyne village, Donetsk oblast.

Who is Stanislav Aseyev

Ukrainian journalist Stanislav Aseyev had reported from occupied Donetsk for RFE/RL before being detained by militants of the so-called "DNR" in 2017. He wrote articles for Radio Donbas.Realii under the pen name Stanislav Vasin.

He was charged with espionage and detained in the torture camp "Isolation", where he witnessed the abuse of prisoners.

On December 29, 2019, Stanislav Aseyev was released as part of a prisoner swap in the Donbas.

Aseyev has said that he would like to see Europe and the US impose sanctions on the persons complicit in the torture and abuse of prisoners.

After his release, Aseyev published a book about his time in captivity, "The Torture Camp on Paradise Street".

On March 9, 2021, Stanislav Aseyev won the 2021 Taras Shevchenko National Prize in the Journalism category for his book "In Isolation".

In 2022, Aseyev created the Justice Initiative Fund (JIF), which collects information about Russian war criminals and rewards people for providing it.

In March 2024, it was reported that Stanislav Aseyev had enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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