Poltava City Council responds to journalist's request only after a complaint to the Commissioner

The Education Department of the Poltava City Council responded to "Fundament" journalist Nadia Trush about the purchase of stationery sets for first graders belatedly and only after she contacted the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights. The journalist told IMI about this.
"This whole story has been going on for a month. On September 7, I wrote a request in which I asked about the sum from the Poltava community's budget allocated for purchasing stationery sets which the city authorities were handing out to first-graders. In response, I heard that 'the requested information is available on the official platform of the Ukrainian online system for public purchases ProZorro,'" Nadiya said.
The journalist said that she called the person who fulfilled the request and informed them about the violation, and also filed a complaint with the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.
"After complaining to the Commissioner for Human Rights, I finally received a comprehensive answer to my request, with all the information I was interested in," Nadia said.
As IMI reported, on September 7, the education department of the Poltava City Council responded to a request from Nadia Kucher, a journalist for online media Fundament, by advising her to search for the requested information herself.
On October 4, Poltava City Council failed to respond to an information request by local journalist Nadia Trush (regarding the sum from the budget of the Poltava community allocated for covering the work of local self-government bodies) on time, and did not provide the requested information.
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