Kherson courts consider six cases of obstruction to journalistic activity

Six criminal proceedings opened under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code are considered in courts of the Kherson region.
The prosecutor of the Kherson area Volodymyr Kalyuga told about it at the press conference on February 19, as Depo.Kherson reported.
Kalyuga said, the judges have already issued decisions in two cases, and the prosecutor's office was appealing against one of these decisions.
According to Volodymyr Kalyuha, the court acquitted the accused on the grounds that he allegedly did not know that he was communicating with the journalist. "According to the prosecutor's office, this is not a reason for an acquittal," Kalyuga said. He did not precised the name of the journalist in question.
Serhiy Nikitenko, a representative of the Institute of Mass Information in the Kherson region, told the newspaper that the accused who had threatened a journalist from Nova Kakhovka, Andriy Pylypovych, with a gun had been acquitted. He was preparing a story on development project downtown Kherson, when the incident happened.
As IMI reported, on September 26, 2019, in the city of Nova Kakhovka (Kherson region), a builder threatened a journalist Andriy Pylypovych with a gun while the last was filming a story.
On September 29, 2019, the investigator of the Novokakhovka police department pressed suspicion of threat or violence against a journalist to the assailant.
On November 11, 2020, the Novokakhovka City Court of the Kherson Region acquitted the man accused of threatening to kill the journalist.
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