Journalist who exposed corruption with “Shut the fck up” got French Human Rights Award

The journalist and documentary filmmaker Taisiya Kutuzova won this year's award from the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights for her work on the documentary film "Shut the fck up" exposing corruption in Ukraine, as the Embassy of France in Ukraine reported it on its website.
The Human Rights Award of the French Republic "Freedom - Equality - Brotherhood" is to discern local initiatives, individual or collective projects that have made a significant contribution to the protection and effective promotion of human rights.
As IMI reported, Taisiya Kutuzova had been physically assaulted for three times while shooting the documentary film "Shut the fck up!" about local activist Serhiy Chagarov.
On June 1, On June 1, in the village of Hatne (Kyiv region), the guards of the village council physicaly prevented Taisia Kutuzova from accessing the village council's premises, justifying it by lockdown.
On August 14 in the village Hatne, the security guards of the village council did not let the journalist-frylanserku Taisiya Kutuzova to get in the village council.
On October 6, in the village of Hatne (Kyiv region), police used force against her once more, the police twisted her arms and damaged her microphone, ignoring the fact she said to be journalist
The police in Kyiv region instituted criminal proceedings over the use of force against a journalist under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Obstruction to the lawful professional activity of journalists”). "An official investigation has been started. All those policemen who were filmed on video were suspended from their professional duties. , ” as Vitaliy Grokholska, head of сommunications sector in the police of Kyiv region, said.
On October 15, the State Bureau of Investigation opened case as well.
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