Inspection scheduled at Nash TV channel for incitement to hatred and Russian propaganda

The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has ordered two unscheduled on-site inspections to Nash TV channel (Nash 365 LLC, Kyiv). This decision was made by the National Council on February 25 at a meeting, according to the regulator's website.
The National Council found that the discourse of Vadym Rabinovich, a MP from the “Opposition Platform - For Life”, and Yevhen Balytsky, a former MP, aired by the broadcaster, had some signs of incitement to hatred, as well as fake messages of Russian propaganda.
Thus, on February 3, the broadcaster aired a live briefing by Rabinovych from the Verkhovna Rada on the imposition of sanctions by the head of state against Taras Kozak, a MP and eight legal entities associated with him. "The assertions expressed in the speech can be regarded as such that aimed at provoking panic among citizens, aggravation and destabilization of the socio-political situation, creating additional tensions in society and protests, inciting to ethnic hatred. In addition, among Vadym Rabinovych's words on Nash TV channel, one could hear those repeating the fake postulates of Russian propaganda saying that since 2014 the authorities in Ukraine have espousing the “fascism” ideology," the National Council notes.
The channel broadcast Yevhen Balytsky's remarks on February 4 and 5 in the context of a conversation about the leader of the Sich-C14 public organization, Yevhen Karas.
According to the National Council, his words “showcase some signs of inciting national hatred and hatred towards members of a certain socio-political group on the grounds of belonging to a certain ideology, which in the conditions of armed confrontation in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions caused by armed aggression of the Russian Federation can have serious consequences for further deepening of the confrontation, escalation of the conflict, threat to the life and security of the citizens of Ukraine ”.
In addition, the TV channel also repeatedly showed on the screen the terms "fascist" and "Nazi" in relation to the leader of the public organization "C14".
Both inspections of Nash TV channel were appointed on the basis of revealed signs of violation of the fourth paragraph of part two of Article 6, items “a”, “c” of part one of Article 59 of the Law of Ukraine “On Television and Radio Broadcasting” and part one of Article 28 of the Law of Ukraine “On Information”.
The National Council obliged the TV channel to provide the documents and files necessary for the on-site inspection by March 17. After inspecting the company, the National Council will make an appropriate decisions.
As IMI reported, Nash TV channel has seized the Kyiv District Administrative Court asking to invalidate the decision of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of January 28 to hold an inspection, as it was reported on February 22 on the website of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv.
According to the plaintiff, the appealed decision infringed the law, the watchdog had no proper legal grounds to adopt it.
As IMI reported, on January 28, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting ordered an unscheduled on-site inspection of the “Nash” TV channel (NASH 365 LLC, Kyiv) over position voiced by former MP from the “Party of Regions” Olena Bondarenko, who called the Armed Forces of Ukraine "criminals".
On December 23, 2020, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting issued a warning to “Nash” TV channel (Nash 365 LLC, Kyiv) through a broadcast of a press conference by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
On December 4, 2020, “Nash” TV channel gave floor to one of the leaders of the so-called "LPR" Rodion Miroshnyk. The National Council ordered an inspection.
On September 3, 2020, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting ordered an unscheduled inspection of Nash TV channel due to a video shown before Independence Day, which showed signs of discrimination and incitement to hatred and caused public outrage.
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