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IMI director on drafting journalists: The government should realize how important the media are for democracy

20.09.2024, 14:35
Institute of Mass Information director Oksana Romaniuk. Photo by Suspilne
Institute of Mass Information director Oksana Romaniuk. Photo by Suspilne

The government should realize the importance of journalists for Ukraine's resilience and start taking action to normalize the situation around media professionals getting conscripted, said the director of the Institute of Mass Information (IMI), Oksana Romaniuk, during the National Media Talk 2024 in Kyiv on September 20.

"For us, for Ukraine's democracy, journalism is a loadbearing structure right now. And no one speaks out about the mobilization issue. 50% of men have already left the IMI, and now several others at a low start – these are important experts that the IMI needs to function", noted the IMI director.

According to Oksana Romaniuk, many media outlets are faced with this.

"It seems to me that the government should have an understanding of the importance of journalists, and so should the Cabinet of Ministers and deputiest. Let us be frank about it. We see all over Ukraine media outlets closing down when the person who ran it, dealt with the finances, investigations, etc., leaves," noted Oksana Romaniuk.

She added that due to the ever-growing staffing crisis, the media have already begun to scout for any people, not even from the media industry, to hire as journalists. This is confirmed by the demand for IMI tranings on the very basics of journalism – how to write news, articles – among media workers.

Tthe Institute of Mass Information operates Mediabazas for journalists in 13 oblasts of Ukraine. Media workers can use the Mediabazas as a space to work, take classes, receive free safety gear: bulletproof vests, helmets, first-aid kits. A list of all IMI Mediabazas is available here.

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