Crimean citizens journalist Nariman Memedeminov set free

Crimean civil journalist Nariman Memedeminov served his term and was released on September 21st., as it was reported on the Facebook page of Crimean Solidarity Journalist and media coordinator with “Crimean Solidarity” civil movement had been sentenced for two and a half years, and served the term in the colony-settlement No. 8, which is located in the village of Sadkovsky, Rostov Region of the Russian Federation.
The political prisoner was met by a correspondent for “Crimean Solidarity” together with his lawyers Emil Kurbedinov and Edem Semedlyaev and the Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Taras Malyshevsky and Consul Yuri Dovgulya, as the correspondent of Crimean Solidarity told.
Memedeminov served his term in the colony-settlement No. 8, which is located in the village of Sadkovsky, Rostov Region of the Russian Federation.
As reported by IMI, September 21, the lawyer Emil Kurbedinov said that Nariman Memedeminov would be freed that day.
On August 12, the Bahayevsky district court in Rostov region (Russia) dismissed a motion for early parole of Nariman Memedeminov.
As IMI reported, in early June the convicted Crimean journalist and media coordinator with "Crimean solidarity" Nariman Memedeminova was sent to penal establishment in the Rostov region.
The lawyer of Nariman Memedeminov applied to the Kirov District Court of Rostov-on-Don in Russia for early parole.
On May 14, 2020, the Military Court of Appeal in the Moscow Region upheld the sentence of Crimean civilian journalist Nariman Memedeminov on charges of "public incitement to terrorist activity." At the court hearing, Memedeminov himself called on his colleagues to continue to cover the persecution in the annexed Crimea.
As IMI reported, on October 2, 2019, on October 2, the Southern Military District Court of Russia's Rostov-on-Don sentenced journalist, blogger from Crimea Nariman Memedeminov to two and a half years , who was accused of public calls for terrorism.
On October 1, Memedeminov made the final statement calling the justice and the law "pre-configured" in Russia, and called on journalists to continue to work on informing about the situation in the Crimea and lawsuits against the inhabitants of the peninsula.
On September 27, Russian prosecutor Aleksey Aydinov demanded a six-year prison sentence for Memedeminov.
On June 25, 2019, the North Caucasian Court in Rostov-on-Don started a trial on the merits in the case of Memedeminov.
On March 22, 2018, in Simferopol Russian law enforcement officers detained the Crimean civic journalist Nariman Memediminov. On March 23, the court issued an order to arrest Memedeminov. The detainee has been charged under the part 2 of Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Public appeals to terrorist activities committed by means of the Internet”). On March 23, 2018 the Crimean public prosecutor’s office (Ukraine) instituted criminal proceedings against activity of Russian prosecution against Nariman Memedeminov, based on the part 2 of Art.146 (“Illegal deprivation of liberty or theft of a person”), part 2 of Art. 162 (“Violation of inviolability of housing”) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
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