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Aerial bomb drops on Kharkiv oblast house while journalist Maryan Kushnir hides in the basement

24.05.2024, 13:02
Maryan Kushnir. Photo by RFE/RL
Maryan Kushnir. Photo by RFE/RL

On May 24, a Russian aerial bomb hit a building in Kharkiv oblast while Radio Liberty correspondent Maryan Kushnir was inside, Radio Liberty reports on X (previously Twitter).

The blast caused a fire in the building.

"Here is the house. We were in the basement of this house, which is now on fire. A KAB or a FAB hit it, difficult to say so far. The whole house is on fire, everyone is intact. But we will have to leave this spot. We are near Vovchansk, seven to nine kilometers away from the border with Russia. That's the picture," Kushnir said.

In a comment to IMI, Kushnir noted that he was fine.

Kharkiv oblast: an aerial bomb hit a building while RFE/RL correspondent @MaryanKushnir was inside. A fire broke out in the building.

— Radio Svoboda (@radiosvoboda) May 23, 2024

In May 2024, Radio Liberty journalist Maryan Kushnir helped a local woman leave Vovchansk (Kharkiv oblast).

RFE/RL journalists have repeatedly come under fire in the Donbas. On May 28, 2022, RFE/RL correspondent Maryan Kushnir and photographer Serhiy Nuzhnenko came under fire by Russian troops near Bakhmut. Journalists were filming a report about a Ukrainian counterattack, and the UAF positions were shelled by Russian artillery. On March 11, 2022, Maryan Kushnir suffered a concussion as a result of a Russian attack in Kyiv oblast.

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