A petition to suspend pro-russian hosts from the telethons registered on Cabinet of Ministers website

On May 17, a petition to suspend the hosts who used to support kremlin propaganda from any telethons has been registered on the Cabinet's website.
The author of the petition is citizen Iryna Veremienko. She asks to exclude journalists who used to spread russian propaganda, namely Vasyl Holovanov, Tigran Martirosyan, Natasha Vlashchenko, Tatiana Honcharova, Nazar Dohgy, Volodymyr Poluyev, Anna Stepanets, and Anastasia Dauhule, from participation in "any Ukrainian telethons and other media marathons."
"For several years in a row, the above-mentioned hosts have been promoting the idea of russia's right to seize Crimea (violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity), spreading disinformation about the US influence on Ukrainian territory, and, moreover, talking of discrimination against the russian language and of a civil war in Donbas.
"Given that these statements and rhetoric not only devalue Ukrainian culture, but are also a direct pretext for inciting hostility and conflict within the country, we call for the exclusion of pro-russian propagandists from participating in telethons or any other national marathons," the author of the petition said.
There are 90 days left until the end of the signature collection. As of 2.15 pm on May 17, the petition has been signed by 35 people out of the required 25,000.
As IMI reported, on May 12, Ukrainian journalists and human rights groups called for the exclusion of hosts who have previously played along with the enemy's rethoric and used to spread kremlin propaganda for many years.
This is first of all about Vasyl Holovanov, Tigran Martirosyan, Natasha Vlashchenko, Tetyana Honcharova, Nazar Dovhyy, Volodymyr Poluyev, Anna Stepanets, Anastasia Dauhule.
The authors of the appeal believe that now Ukraine has the chance to clear out our media space and to set up an institute of reputation to protect Ukraine from repeating the story in the future.
On May 13, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine opposed the exclusion of pro-russian hosts from the telethons. The MCIP believes that today is not the time for public lustrations and incitement of conflicts within the country and the professional journalist community. The MCIP advises to pay attention to the position taken by the listed pro-russian hosts during the war instead.
The address has been signed by over 326 journalists, media, NGOs and movements. 27 people from "Media Group Ukraine," in particular from Ukraine and Ukraine 24 channels, signed the appeal.
"Inter" TV channel stated that they had no doubts about the pro-Ukrainian civic stance of their host Anastasia Dauhule.
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