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Propaganda 2025: Kremlin is shifting the focus from the US to Europe

14.03.2025, 14:36
Illustration by the IMI
Illustration by the IMI

As of October 2024, 72% of Russians had a negative view of Americans, the figure reaching 81% among people aged 55+, according to Levada Center. This level of animosity is the result of decades of Russian propaganda, which ramped up even more post-2014 due to sanctions and receives over $1 billion in funding annually. The Kremlin uses anti-American narratives to portray the United States as a country of chaos and decay in order to distract Russians from domestic issues and explain economic difficulties.

Following Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election, Russian propagandists changed their rhetoric around the United States. Spoiler: they have become more cautious and report on the United States in a more neutral way. As observed by experts at the Institute of Mass Information (IMI), Russian propaganda has changed tactics: from harsh anti-American rhetoric to selectively creating a positive image of the US, which is consistent with the Kremlin’s geopolitical interests. At the same time, propagandists are actively peddling narratives about a split between the US and Europe, using esoteric “predictions” by the late Zhirinovsky, Lukashenko's statements, and made-up forecasts by astrologers.

Interestingly, the temporary shift in rhetoric about the US prompted the propagandists to ramp up their attacks on the EU and European leaders, especially Emmanuel Macron. The latter is compared to Napoleon (with an implied hint at an imminent defeat), and the statements about NATO troops possibly entering Ukraine are twisted to create the impression that the EU is provoking a conflict and posing a threat.

Russian propaganda and Trump: From biding time to manipulation

Russian propaganda has been building anti-West narratives for years, actively demonizing Biden before the full-scale invasion and spreading hundreds of disinforming messages weekly, with a significant share of them targeting the United States. With Trump’s return to power in 2025, the Kremlin has chosen a wait-and-see strategy: not attacking him yet, but, on the contrary, carefully painting him as a “wise leader”, leaving room for criticism if his policies do not meet Russia's interests. The propagandists have already laid down the foundation for two scenarios: Trump will either become a "friend of Russia" or be declared another "enemy" if he does not meet expectations.

To highlight Trump’s superiority over Biden, Russian propagandists have systematically discredited the previous president and his team – all while spreading content that fuels anti-West sentiments.

Headlines: "Trump says cocaine found in White House belonged to Biden"; "Trump calls Biden's administration a disaster". Screenshots from Russian propaganda outlets Izvestia, Moskovskiy Komsomolets by the IMI

In addition to smearing Biden, propagandists are generating content portraying the new US administration as favorable to Russia, one that is supposedly the first to initiate partnership and maintain a “warm relationship.”

Headline: "Europe will soon heel by its master: Donald Trump now quotes Vladimir Putin". Highlighted: "[Trump's moves] often do not fit into the image of the 'old democratic America';" "Nobody doubted that the American leader carefully listens to Vladimir Putin." Screenshot from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

Russian propaganda's new narratives aim to reshape the Russians' perception of the United States, creating the illusion that Washington is “tired” of confrontation and seeks agreements. Propagandists peddle the claim that there are “rational voices” ready for dialogue in the United States, thus correcting the image of America: from an uncompromising enemy into a rival that has to take Russia into account.

Headlines: "USA announces changes to Russia policy"; "Trump redirects the US towards Russia in a month, media report". Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website RIA Novosti

Putin openly calls Trump a “strong leader” and a “master” capable of restoring order, which fits into the Kremlin’s new media strategy. Propaganda promotes this image among Russians, emphasizing the Kremlin's respect for Trump and gradually shifting the perception of him: he is now to be seen not as an enemy, but as a politician with whom one can work and negotiate.

Headline: "They will be wagging their tail at Trump's heel: Vladimir Putin comments on the willpower of European elites, German memory and Polish hospitality at Oswiencim". Underscored quote by Putin: "Trump, with his character, his persistence, he will quickly bring order to that place. ... They will all heel by their master." Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

Following Trump's inauguration and particularly the Oval Office dispute with Volodymyr Zelensky, Russian propaganda started promoting two parallel narratives: fantasizing about European and American allies distancing themselves from Trump while shaping an image of him as a politician who is aggressive and uncompromising towards Ukraine.

Headline: Trump is preparing a noose for Zelensky's neck: US to make tougher deal demands for Ukraine. Paragraph: "A true 'peace shark', US President Donald Trump caught scent of the fresh blood from Zelensky, who recently 'sorried about' in his address (which can be translated as either 'I regret this' or 'I apologize'), and will now hardly be satisfied with the previous terms of the 'mineral deal' which Zelensky is ready to sign 'at any time convenient to you.'" Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

Russian propaganda deliberately uses emotionally loaded language and dehumanization, portraying Trump as a “master” and Zelensky as a “subordinate.” The “peace shark” metaphor emphasizes that despite the rhetoric of peace, Trump is expected to treat Ukraine harshly. Dehumanizing comparisons such as calling Zelensky a “stud” intend not just to humiliate him but also to reinforce the narrative of Trump’s dominance, implying that the Ukrainian president has been put in this place but has not dared to openly apologize.

Headline: "Zelensky recognizes Trump as the alpha male but fails to squeeze out an apology out of himself". Underscored: "[Zelensky] recognized Trump as the alpha male, like a cocky stud who tried to go against the pack leader but drops on his back, showing his vulnerable belly in hopes of being spared." Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

Such messaging includes dehumanizing and degrading images as well as elements of hate speech. In this case, the interaction between Zelensky and Trump is described through animalistic metaphors intended to humiliate and ridicule Zelensky, portray him as weak and subjugated, which is typical of propaganda narratives. Such comparisons aim to dehumanize Zelensky as the representative of Ukrainians, thus creating a basis for justifying future aggression, which is a sign of genocidal rhetoric.

Late Zhirinovsky, half-dead Lukashenko, and magic

Russian propaganda skillfully constructs multi-level narratives, tailoring the messaging for different audiences so as to create the illusion that the news occur organically. As a result, all these “expert opinions” form a coherent picture that seems incidental, but in fact is a carefully planned influence campaign.

Russian propaganda has a history of using esotericism as a manipulation tool, injecting astrologers, fortune tellers and fake “Vanga’s prophecies” into the media field to justify the state's actions and war, shifting the blame to mythical forces. This tactic is effective, since the belief in magic is widespread among Russians, who spent 2.4 trillion rubles (24 billion US dollars) on sorcerers in 2024 – more than on food (2 trillion rubles). In a reality like this, even a shift in the narrative about the United States – from animosity to potential partnership – seems natural if the “stars align” and events develop according to a Kremlin-favorable scenario.

Propagandists have been sharing “predictions” by the late Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who said that there would be a conflict between the United States and Europe. Propagandists often publish compilations of random phrases or statements by Zhirinovsky, who spoke on every possible propaganda show on TV during his life. His eccentric and outrageous behavior set him apart from other Kremlin officials or experts. In reality, Zhirinovsky was simply parroting messages he was told to parrot, and now his “independent truth-teller” image is used to legitimize narratives beneficial to the Kremlin.

Headline: "New prediction by Zhirinovsky revealed: Trump will pressure and strangle Europe to make more money for the US". Underscored: "Zhirinovsky decribed the terms of a peace deal acceptable to Russia with surprising accuracy: 'Lviv and five regions — we cut it [Ukraine] off, it joins NATO, the EU, whatever they want ... Trump agrees, or does not object, to be precise.'" Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

Headlines: "Zhirinovsky predicted a meeting between Putin and Trump"; "Ex-assistant says he is scared by Zhirinovsky's predictions coming true"; "Zhirinovsky predicted that the Trump family will rule the US until 2040". Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website

It seems a matter of time before the ROC canonizes Zhirinovsky so that his “predictions” acquire an even more absurd status of prophetic revelations.

Meanwhile, propaganda does not stop at Zhirinovsky and is experimenting with no-name esotericists who predict a “new era” in the US—Russia relations: the lifting of sanctions, conflicts between Washington and Europe, and other fantasies convenient for the Kremlin.

Headline: "Astrologer's prediction for Donald Trump's first steps in 2025: 'He will press down on Europe and Zelensky'". Screenshot from the Russian propaganda website Komsomolskaya Pravda

These are the same promises that the late Zhirinovsky made. If an average Russian reader follows all these media outlets, then they get the impression of verified information, because several sources said the same thing. The esoteric beliefs become an effective tool that influences emotions, stymies critical thinking and discourages people from asking questions.

To enhance this impact, the propagandists add the "expertise" of the Kremlin's political allies into the mix, such as Lukashenko, who reiterates the necessary messages in his characteristic manner.

Headlines: "Lukashenko wishes Trump an effective presidency"; "Lukashenko says closer relations between Moscow and Washington are likely under Trump"; "Trump will not go to war with Russia and China, says Lukashenko"; "Lukashenko says Trump will not start a nuclear war". Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website RIA Novosti

In one of the news stories, Lukashenko commented that Trump would not press the nuclear “red button” because he has a family and “many small children, grandchildren.” Earlier, propagandists had been intimidating the audience with stories about “red flags” that would provoke Trump to press the “red button”. Russian propaganda deliberately uses Lukashenko’s “expertise” to promote family and having many children as a value. They say that Trump, as the representative of the American people, has similar values ​​to those of the Russians, therefore his policy will align with “traditional Russian values,” i.e. he will not tolerate “debauchery” or “LGBT propaganda” which is discussed on Russian state television from morning till night.

The topic of children is one of Russian propaganda's most favorite tools which is actively exploited for manipulation. The Kremlin consistently peddles false claims about the Ukrainian Armed Forces abusing children in the Donbas to increase the emotional impact and justify Russia's aggression. Moreover, the rhetoric of “family” and “traditional values” serves as a powerful means of supporting anti-West narratives, shaping the image of the West as a threat and legitimizing the war in the Russians' eyes.

The next step: demonizing Europe

As Russian propaganda has so far avoided open attacks on the United States, it has ramped up anti-Europe narratives instead, focusing on smearing Ukraine’s European partners. The go-to tactic is to portray Western leaders as incompetent or out of touch with reality. To enhance the impact, propagandists broadcast the same message through various channels: from Putin’s statements to comments by anonymous “experts” and editorials, creating the impression of a broad public consensus.

Headlines: "Putin reminds Russia's adversaries how Napoleon's campaign ended"; "Expert explains the end goal of Macron's 'genius ideas'. Macron wants to be like Napoleon, says commentator Loginov"; "Wearing Napoleon's hat. Macron is waving the nuclear cudgel around, threatening Russia and the US". Screenshots from the Russian propaganda websites TASS, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Argumenty i Fakty

Russian propaganda paints Macron as a weak and chaotic leader, drawing historical parallels with Napoleon, whom the Russian collective memory associates with an invasion doomed to fail. This allows the propagandists to imply that Macron will repeat Napoleon's fate. In the meantime, they twist his statements in support for Ukraine and about NATO troops' possible deployment to Ukraine, presenting them as threats to wage war on Russia. In this way the propagandists shape the narrative that it is the West who is provoking an escalation that and Russia is only “defending itself.”

The Russian media has also been painting a negative image of Poland. This is not the first time that the Russians have threatened Poland, and they use aggressive vocabulary and intimidation in their messages.

Headlines: "Poland is ready to spark a conflict with the USA over Starlink for the UAF"; "If Europe continues to go against the US decisions, Poland will be punished first". Screenshots from the Russian propaganda website

IMI researchers have noticed that propagandists are using AI generated texts and images to push anti-Ukraine and anti-West narratives. IMI experts first observed large-scale use of AI as a source of propaganda in December 2024, while studying the ways propagandists shape a negative image of Ukrainian women and men in their media. For this, propagandists create accounts of "journalists" under made-up names, which then post news articles illustrated with apocalyptic images generated by AI. These images often contain stereotypes about Ukrainians or Europe. The articles usually lack a coherent structure, which creates a chaotic impression and contributes to the spread of disinformation and hate speech.

Screenshot from the Russian propaganda media RIA by the IMI. Examples of AI generated content with anti-Ukraine and anti-West narratives

Russian propaganda keeps switching tactics, using new opportunities to manipulate public opinion. It is flexible in responding to changes in the political situation, shifting the focus in the information war from demonizing the United States to creating the image of the "pragmatist Trump" and ramping up anti-Europe messages instead. At the same time, the Kremlin continues to actively use dehumanization, hate speech and manipulative technologies, including AI, to shape a beneficial reality in the media.

The study analyzes content from the following Russian propaganda outlets, released in February and the first week of March 2025: Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, RIA Novosti, RBK, Lenta.Ru, Argumenty i Fakty, Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Gazeta.Ru, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, URA.Ru, TASS, RT in Russian,,

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