Zelensky put into effect decision of NSDC on sanctions against Shariy and Guzhva

The President Volodymyr Zelensky put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of August 20 inflicting sanctions the Shariys, Anatoly and Olga (Bondarenko), and the editor-in-chief of Strana.ua Igor Guzhva and his associates. The relevant decrees №375/2021 and 376/2021 were published on the President's website on 21 August.
The sanctions mean blocking access to Sharii.net, social networks and YouTube channels by the Internet service providers. Also they prevent capital outflows outside Ukraine; blocking of assets: temporary restriction of a person's right to use and dispose of property belonging to him (complete blocking, except for withdrawal of funds for the maintenance of minor children in the amount of the subsistence minimum); restrictions on trade operations and more.
Sanctions were also imposed on Guzhva's associates, Halyna Sontseva and Lyubov Lukashina. The sanctions include blocking access to the Strana.ua website and their social networks by Internet providers. Lasmak LLC, which owns Strana.ua, also came under sanctions. In addition, sanctions were imposed against Mageri LLC, which is affiliated with Lasmak, and Smart Media Network LLC.
As IMI reported, on August 20, The National Security and Defense Council has imposed a full package of sanctions against Anatoly and Olga Shariy and against Igor Guzhva, the editor-in-chief of Strana. Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the NSDC, announced at a briefing on August 20 by following a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council.
Bondarenko Alla Ivanivna, Solntseva Halyna Volodymyrivka and Lukashina Lyubov Yuriyivna were also put on the sanctions list. The last two persons are related to Igor Guzhva. Thus, Lasmak LLC , which owns Strana.ua, was registered to his wife Solntseva. This edition was banned.
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