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Website of Ministry of Defense ceased to work. Privatbank and Oschadank’s applications fail

15.02.2022, 19:10

The website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has ceased to work for an unknown reason. The applications of the banks PrivatBank and Oschadbank are failing, accordingly to its clients, as Hromadske reported.

In particular, clients complained on social networks that their applications did not work, or about the inability to pay by card and other unsuccessful transactions.

Oschadbank promised to resume the service soon. "We apologize for the temporary inconvenience, we are already working on restoring the service," the bank said in a statement.

Today, some clients of PrivatBank received SMS messages from unknown numbers, which indicated problems in the work of the financial institution. However, a spokesman for PrivatBank Oleg Serga told the publication that this information was untrue, and the bank operated normally.

For its part, the press service of PrivatBank denied the existence of interruptions in the work of the bank and called reports of their existence "misinformation", as Interfax-Ukraine reported.

"PrivatBank registers customer complaints about misinformation about disruptions in the bank work. This information is untrue and misleads our customers. PrivatBank operates in standard mode (…)," - the statement read.

Cyberpolice said it was identifying those involved in SMS-messaging on failures of the automated transcation machines. So far, cyber police officers have analyzed the content of the messages and found that they did not pose any threat, but were part of an information attack.

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