Ukraїner founder does not rule out Russians may be behind the hacker attack on the project

Ukraïner founder Bohdan Logvynenko does not rule out that Russians may be behind the hacker attack on the project's Facebook pages. He said so in his comment to IMI.
"At the moment, we do not rule out such a possibility. We are currently looking into this incident with experts at Meta. There was certain involvement of hackers from several countries. Russia is not on the list, but there are some of Russia's so-called friendly countries. This could be either a coincidence or a thoroughly planned operation. I'm not sure if we will ever know for sure, but we'll at least try," Logvynenko said.
He said that he could not say which "friendly" countries were concerned and added: "It may not really matter because a VPN allows you to 'be' in any country."
As IMI reported, Ukraïner, an educational project about the Ukrainian society and culture, has been hacked: cyber criminals took over the project's Facebook pages. Ukraïner noted that for the time being, they will be posting content on Instagram, Telegram, Twitter and Viber. The project's founder, Bohdan Logvynenko, tweeted that hackers had gained access to the publication's pages by hacking the Meta Business Manager.
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