TUT.by searched

On May 18, the Belarussian news portal TUT.BY’s offices have been searched by the officials of the Financial Investigations Department of the State Control Committee, as TUT.by reported.
The security forces also came to several editors, in particular to the editor-in-chief of the portal Marina Zolotova.
It is noted that no one took the calls in the office of TUT.BY. The door to the office is sealed with polyethylene or painted.
The security officers also came to the regional offices of TUT.BY.
The press service of the committee, which includes the Department of Financial Investigations, refused to comment on the incident.
As IMI reported, on January 19, 2021, TUT.BY was deprived of its media status.
On December 3, 2020, the Economic Court of Minsk ruled to deprive the TUT.BY portal of the status of a mass medium. For its part, the portal filed an appeal against the decision of the Economic Court of Minsk.
On September 29, 2020, the Ministry of Information of Belarus deprived TUT.BY of the status of a mass media for three months from October 1.
On September 18, 2020, the ministry seized the court asking to stop publishing TUT.BY.
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