September 30: deadline for applications for competition on problem of tortures

The Association of Psychiatrists of Ukraine (APU) and the Georgian Center for Psychologic and Social and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (GCRT) are announcing a competition in Ukraine for journalistic stories covering the problems of torture, as GURT resource center reported.
The stories should focus on the human rights being violated in closed-door institutions and special care institutions, namely in psychoneurological boqrding schools and psychiatric hospitals, as well as in penitentiary institutions.
The stories should also cover the exercise of the absolute right to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and should be aimed at drawing public attention to the protection of human rights in the above areas.
Deadline for submission of materials is September 30, 2020. The journalists can send their stories and the filled-in application form to the competition e-mail [email protected].
The competition was launched within the framework of the project "Combating Torture in Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia", which is funded by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights of the European Union.
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