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RSF calls on the police to find the people targeting Yuriy Nikolov

17.01.2024, 10:40

The international watchdog "Reporters Without Borders" calls on the Ukrainian police to investigate the violent threats to investigative journalist Yuriy Nikolov, according to the organization's post on the social media platform X.

"Nashi Hroshi investigative journalist Yuriy Nikolov was threatened at his home & on social networks on 14/01. RSF expresses its support for him & calls on the police, who heard him yesterday, to conduct a transparent investigation to find the perpetrators," the post says.

As the IMI reported, on January 15, investigative journalist Yuriy Nikolov reported an attempt at intimidation: unknown men tried to break into his apartment on January 14, scaring his mother and neighbors, and left paper notes saying "draft dodger" and "traitor" on his door.

After the incident, the Telegram channel "Kartochny Ofis" posted about it, claiming that it was military servicemen trying to deliver a draft notice to the journalist. A provocative post about Yuri Nikolov was shared by the Telegram channels "Vertykal" and "Joker" at about the same time. 

On January 15, the Telegram channel 'Joker' posted the video of Nikolov's comment on President Volodymyr Zelensky and implied that the attack on the journalist's apartment was retaliation for his remark about the head of state.

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