Prosecutor's office of Poltavska oblast promised cooperation in protecting journalist's rights
03.08.2017, 17:23
On August 3 IMI representative in Poltavska oblast Nadiya Trush met vice-prosecutor of Poltavska oblast Oleh Pleskach. They discussed the issues related to impediment to the activities of journalists that have been, and being investigated now, by the police.
The topic of the conversation was comparatively «fresh» cases, which are being investigated by the police for two months already. Also, criminal investigations of the last year.
The representative of the prosecutor's office assured that he can take supervision over all cases, if necessary. A special attention, as Mr.Pleskach noted, will be paid toinvestigation of пthreats to kill and rape to the journalist of «Poltavshchyna» Daryna Synytska, as only one person who threatened via social network is mentioned in the case, while threats were from several people, in particular, from Ruslan Zarubin, Danylo Plakhov and Vitaliy Soloniy, who all left threatening and demeaning comments. Generally, the prosecutor promised to pay attention to all cases related to journalists.
The prosecutor's office, just as police, calls ambiguous the case in Horishni Plavni, where з writer and journalist Ihor Moiseyenko was fouind with a plastic bag on his head. He sustained injuries, yet refuses to undergo official medical examination.
– The prosecutor's office of Poltava regoin is well informed about each of the cases that are investigated, has good data about the cases that were investigated in the past - last year and before. Oleh Pleskach gave answers for each case related to impediment to journalists' activities that I raised, and specified the articles based on which the cases were opened. As to some last year cases, the answers were not too detailed, yet it can be noted that the vice-prosecutor knows the progress of all these cases. After I informed him about all cases of threats and impediments to the activities of journalists, and the vice-prosecutor informed what is the progress in their investigation, and we agreed about further cooperation. Our next meeting is planned for September, Nadiya Trush said.
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