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LMF study: IMI is one of the leading organizations supporting the media

24.05.2024, 18:29

The non-governmental organization "Institute of Mass Information" ranked third most mentioned organization among those that most often provided assistance to Ukrainian media during the full-scale war, as suggested by the study "Donor Field for the Media in Ukraine: the Situation, Opportunities, Problems, Priorities and Prospects" by the Lviv Media Forum.

18 media outlets mentioned IMI as an organization that has helped them over the last two years.

"Russia has committed 599 crimes against journalists and the media in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion, according to IMI's latest data. The Ukrainian media field is suffering due to the decline of the advertising market, the brain drain, destroyed offices or equipment, and other problems. The Institute of Mass Information is trying to find ways to support media teams and help meet at least their urgent needs," said the director of the Institute of Mass Information, Oksana Romaniuk.

Internews in Ukraine* ranked first, followed by the Lviv Media Forum**.

It is noted in the study that responses by the 62 surveyed media outlets and quotes from focus group participants from 19 media outlets were analyzed separately. Not all media outlets whose representatives participated in the focus groups took part in the survey. 10 out of the 62 surveyed outlets are based in Kyiv, the rest are located in various oblasts; the sample covers almost all of Ukraine except for the regions occupied by Russia.

The Institute of Mass Information has announced a new mini-grant competition for Ukrainian media.

The Institute of Mass Information (IMI) is a Ukrainian non-governmental media organization that has been operating since 1996. The IMI defends the rights of journalists, analyzes the media field and covers media-related events, fights propaganda and disinformation and has been providing media outlets with safety gear for trips to the combat zone since the start of the Russo–Ukrainian war in 2014.

The IMI carries out Ukraine's only freedom of speech monitoring and keeps a list of high quality and sustainable online media outlets, documents Russia's crimes against the media committed in the course of the war on Ukraine. The IMI has representatives in 20 oblasts of Ukraine and a network of "Mediabaza" hubs to provide journalists with continuous support. The IMI's partners include Reporters Without Borders and Freedom House; the organization is a member of the International Organization for the Protection of Freedom of Expression (IFEX).

*The study counted mentions of "Інтерньюз" and "Internews" (without clarification) as referring to the office of the international organization Internews in Ukraine (Internews in Ukraine, formerly Internews Network), but some of these mentions may have been referring to the NGO Internews-Ukraine.

**It should also be taken into account that the Lviv Media Forum survey itself could have been a reminder for some respondents to list our organization as one of their donors.

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