Kherson regional administration proposed to pay journalists for ”socially important information” published

The Kherson Regional State Administration is going to pay 1.3 million hryvnias (around $46 thousand) annually for disseminating socially important information about the social and economic and social and political development of the region and the country in the printed press, TV and radio and online publications. This is the message of the draft program for the development of the media landscape of the Kherson region for 2021-2024, as Den daily reported.
The purpose of the program is "to form the media landscape aiming to protect the interests of society, compliance with state policy in the information and publishing spheres."
The project aims to form regional policy in the field of information society, to promote Ukrainian books, to offer support to local authors, to cover activity of state executive bodies and local self-government bodies.
Within the period of four years, 10 million 806 thousand hryvnias (around $384 thousand) is to be allocated from the regional budget for this project.
In addition, the regional authorities shceduled to invest 100,000 hryvnias (around $3 552) annually in a competition of journalistic pieces on "Implementation of self-government reform and decentralization of power."
The program also provides for press-trips. About 200,000 hryvnyas (around $ 7 thousand) from the regional budget is supposed to be spent on accommodation and meals for the "journalists sent to the spot", transport for them. Another quarter of a million hryvnyas are to be spent on the purchase of photo and video equipment "to ensure the work of the media group for the preparation and release of videos, models of printed products of the Department of Public Communications."
A separate item of the program stipulated "production of various promotional products aimed at creating a positive image and presentation of the region at the local and international levels on tourism, investment and other opportunities." These services are to be produced by local media.
“The journalist with Den daily Ivan Antipenko said that in September 2019 the head of the Kherson Regional State Administration Yuriy Husev told that he would not spend the budget money for "jeansa".
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