Journalists allowed to sidelines of parliament upon special cards

Starting from today, special cards have been introduced for journalists to enter the corridors of the first floor of the Verkhovna Rada and the entrance to the parliamentary canteen, as UNIAN reported.
Cards for the lobby are red (a total of 40 cards), these ones for the canteen are green (12 cards).
According to the news agency, some media representatives are standing on the stairs in a live queue to get on the sidelines.
Only 12 media representatives can now be in the canteen at a time. Previously, they were limited to eight people. If earlier journalists could enter through both entrances to the restaurant, now they can enter only through one.
The card is delivered when a media representative enters the canteen, and when he leaves, he must return it.
Previously, members of parliament simply wrote down the names of journalists who came in, and when they left, they crossed them out.
Sometimes, as to UNIAN, there was confusion if the journalist did not go out through the entrance through which he entered - accordingly, he was not crossed out, and so other journalists could not get to the canteen for a long time and take a meal.
At the same time, there are no restrictions for MPs.
As IMI reported, on September 6, some sidelines of the first floor of the parliament, that previously had been closed, are to be partly open for the press, as Dmytro Razumkov, Chairman of the parliament, said at the briefing.
As IMI reported, on March 12, Razumkov signed an order "On additional measures aiming to prevent incidence of acute respiratory disease." According to it, journalists are not allowed outside the press center of the parliament for the period of quarantine.
On May 28, Dmytro Razumkov amended the March 12 the Order “On Additional Measures to Prevent incidence of Acute Respiratory Disease”. According to the order, from June 1, media representatives are allowed to the press box of the balcony of the Verkhovna Rada meeting hall, in the order of arrival, and their total number in this box may not exceed 30 people.
On August 23, Dmytro Razumkov said that due to the deteriorating epidemic situation, journalists would not be allowed on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada with the start of a new plenary session on September 1.
On October 5, an order amending the procedure for admitting press to the Parliament building has been signed by Dmytro Razumkov. According to the changes, the mass media professionals are allowed to get in the administrative building of the Verkhovna Rada upon presenting one’s permanent accreditation card and additional passes valid for one attendance, as follows:
-up to 120 people: in the press center on the second floor;
-up to 30 people: in the press box of the balcony of the Verkhovna Rada sitting hall;
-no more than two TV crews (up to four people) are allowed from TV channels;
-from news agencies: up to two people;
-from other editions: one person each.
Admission of cameramen / photojournalists with professional equipment to the press box will also take place in the order of arrivals.
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