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Journalist Anna Kalyuzhna leaves Bihus.Info

04.06.2024, 16:04

Anna Kalyuzhna. Photo by Anna Kalyuzhna on Facebook

Journalist, war correspondent Anna Kalyuzhna announced on Facebook that her work at the investigative project Bihus.Info, where she worked for four years, was complete.

She said that she spent two years researching the energy lobby, and another two working as a war reporter, producing 75 materials about the war which have about 39 million views.

"When my first article about the Russians' crimes in the de-occupied Chernihiv oblast reached 1 million views, I wrote that I wish there was no such million (as Mstyslav Chernov said recently). I wish it now, too. But after talking to many wise people in the army, I accepted the time in which I live," Anastasia wrote.

She explained that now she is more comfortable near the frontline than in Kyiv.

"And here, as logic demands, I get to the reasons. I already wrote here earlier that being near the frontline is now more comfortable for me than being in Kyiv. Second, I was given a lot of freedom on the team, but I feel that I have grown ready for even greater freedom. As of now, people from my past life, who are now in the army, have convinced me that if I were to leave the war reporting field it would not survive the loss. So for now I am looking for a way to do what I have been doing for the past 2 years in greater harmony with myself," she wrote.

In a comment to IMI, Anna Kalyuzhna clarified that she is not switching to a new profession and will continue to be a war reporter, but does not yet know where and in what way, exactly.

In an interview with IMI in April 2023, Anna Kalyuzhna remarked that talking to soldiers helped her destress.

"I don't (go to psychologists or therapists – Ed.), because talking to our soldiers is what helps me destress. And although the battlefield situation is very difficult right now, when you talk to people who are actually having it much worse than you, but they realize that they have to keep working. I don't think I'm entitled to vacations when there are people who don't have the right to it," Anna Kalyuzhna explained.

The journalist noted that her living situation is "not in the most terrible" right now, and added:

"The best rest for me is to drive this scum out of our land and then punish these criminals. This is what will bring me a sense of normality."

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