Journalist aggressed in village council in Volyn region

In the village of Pidhaytsi, Volyn region, a man attacked journalist Lyudmyla Yavorska, who came to the Pidhaytsy village council on January 4 to get comments from deputies about repairs in a streets, as well as to register a request for information, the “Pershiy” website reported.
According to the edition, an aggressive man attacked the journalist with his fists and tried to knock the camera out of her hands.
Lyudmyla Yavorska recorded on video the scene where you can see how the attacker closed the door on her and tried to knock the camera out of her hands.
"I learned that strange things were taking place in Pidhaitsi, deputies are not given information about repairs. I decided to bring a request to this village council at the same time, because I am working on another topic concerning this community. I registered the request, and the secretary of the council suggested me to speak on the issue to the chairman Yuriy Semenyuk. He was in his office. I went to this office, I got some remarks not concerning the issue from the chairman, but rather insulting me as the journalist ", - Lyudmila Yavorska told in the comment for the “Pershiy” website.
Interrupting the conversation, the chairman of the Pidhaitsy village council Yuriy Semenyuk went to his office, and the journalist followed him.
“When we were in the waiting room, a man I didn't know came in. Yuri Semenyuk remarked that a journalist had come and “assailed the council with questions.” This man immediately attacked me, started knocking out the camera, shouting insults. Then he grabbed me by the shoulder and slapped me painfully several times, at which point I had already switched on the camera and recorded his attack. When I asked who was he, since I was going to call the police, he fled to the Semenyuk’s office and like he was at his home, locked the office door, "- the journalist said.
According to the edition, an investigative task force arrived at the scene at the request of deputy Bohdan Sinchuk and journalist Lyudmyla Yavorska.
In a comment to the representative of IMI in the Volyn region, Lyudmila Yavorska said that her activities were hindered by businessman Georgy Shtefanes. As it turned out, according to her, he worked in the Pidhaytsy village council as a project manager.
"I am convinced that he knew that I was a journalist and interfered with my professional activities. The man attacked me after the village chairman "recommended "me by saying that I was a journalist and brought inquiries to the village council. In addition, I had a still-shot camera with me and a camera in my hands. Shtefanes knocked the camera out of his hands, chased me away and intended to intimidate me so that I would not come to this village council in the future. I consider such an action as interference with journalistic activities”.
Olga Buzuluk, a spokeswoman for the National Police in Volyn region, said in a comment to an IMI representative that the journalist filed the complaint to the police. Actually, the investigation is on.
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