IMI joins the task force to create an online media co-regulation authority

The National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting has formed a task force that will create an online media co-regulation authority. The task force includes the Institute of Mass Information.
It was formed on December 12, according to the media regulator's website.
The task force consists of candidates nominated by online media outlets. It includes 12 people, which is the number listed in the Law "On Media" and the number of candidates submitted by the outlets.
A total of 15 applications to join the task force were submitted, reported the member and executive secretary of the NCTRB, Olena Nitsko.
However, three applications were rejected: the one from "Fakty ICTV" (TOV "SLM Novosti" ( was submitted after the established deadline, and the other two came from from entities that were not registered as online media: (PJSC "Lux Television and Radio Company") and "Business Capital" (
In the future, the task force will work on developing a charter and constituent documents for the joint regulatory body in the following composition:
- Leonid Bihunov-Novikov – nominated by the LLC "National Information Systems" (;
- Ruslan Kaznovsky – the website "";
- Victoria Murovana – the JSC "Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine";
- Kateryna Myasnikova – the LLC "A.S.S. Television and Radio Company";
- Halyna Petrenko – the LLC "Detector Media";
- Oksana Romaniuk – the NGO "Institute of Mass Information";
- Kateryna Roshuk – "Bukvy" (;
- Maryna Synhaivska – the Ukrainian National News Agency "Ukrinform";
- Tetyana Snopko – the online media outlet "Glavkom" (LLC "Ukrainian Media Systems");
- Mykola Tipusiak – "Espreso" (LLC "Goldberry");
- Andriy Filippsky – the online media outlet "Reporter" (LLC "Reporter Newspaper Team");
- Serhiy Yaryhin – the NGO "Toloka Society" ("Toloka Studio").
We remind you that on December 7, a task force to create of an audiovisual media co-regulation body was selected, and a similar task force for audio media regulation was formed on December 8.
The formation of task forces for the establishment of co-regulation bodies for print media and video sharing platforms has not yet begun, as no initiative statements have been submitted.
As the IMI reported, on October 16, 2023, the NCTRB announced the start of the creation of joint regulation bodies for online media, audiovisual media services, and audio media services.
On January 30, 2023, the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting released the procedure for establishing joint regulation bodies. The five co-regulatory bodies are to cover audiovisual media services, audio media services, print media, online media and video sharing platforms. The creation of such bodies involves forming task forces which must arrange and hold constituent general meetings between representatives of media outlets and organization and develop draft charters for the five co-regulatory bodies.
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