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VRU gives journalists preliminary permission to travel during curfew

16.07.2024, 17:51

Photo by Ukrinform

The Verkhovna Rada passed in the first reading the draft bill No. 11321, which includes a permission for journalists to travel freely during curfew while on the job. This provision was proposed and developed by experts at the Institute of Mass Information.

IMI director Oksana Romaniuk noted that this initiative is crucial for ensuring the freedom of speech and the work of journalists under martial law.

"We welcome the parliament's adoption in the first reading of the draft bill allowing journalists to travel during curfew provided they have accreditation from the Ukrainian Armed Forces," she said.

Romaniuk added that the IMI has long been focused on the issue of journalists traveling during curfew, especially in the cities far away from the frontline. Some journalists have reported to the organization the obstacles they faced on their way back from business trips.

"At the checkpoints, they were met with a demand to show not just the UAF credentials, but additional documents allowing them to pass, and each city had its own pass system. Adopting this draft bill will help avoid such situations in the future, make the work of the media easier and ensure more effective reporting on the events in Ukraine. We hope that the bill will be promptly adopted in whole and call on all relevant bodies to contribute to implementing it," said Oksana Romaniuk.

On July 16, 247 deputies voted to adopt of the draft bill "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Expanding Certain Guarantees on Access to Information for the Media, Journalists, and Citizens," reported on Facebook Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech.

He listed the provisions of the draft bill:

  • journalists will be allowed to move freely during curfew while fulfilling work assignments. This applies to the mass media accredited by the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;
  • new guarantees will be granted to freelance media contributors working under a civil law contract. These are local producers of mostly foreign media (the term 'fixers' is incorrect);
  • online media will be exempted from liability for comments, blog posts and other social media content not created by their employees if it is taken down within 3 days of receiving a court order;
  • new opportunities will be provided for citizens to monitor the work of deputies in committees.

Now the Committee on Freedom of Speech is preparing the draft bill for the second reading, said Yurchyshyn, adding that they are ready to involve all the interested parties in this process: journalists, media managers and the public.

"We have two weeks to work out additional mechanisms to promote the transparency of the government and enable the work of journalists," wrote the deputy.


On March 6, 2024 the Institute of Mass Information called on military-civilian administrations to allow journalists with UAF accreditation free movement through rear cities during curfew.

Multiple journalists have told IMI that they were barred from entering rear cities on their way back from business trips during curfew hours. According to the media workers, they have been asked for additional documents on top of UAF credentials while passing checkpoints. Every city, they say, has its own pass system.

In May 2024 the International Insurance Fund for Journalists (IIFJ) opened applications from Ukrainian journalists, fixers, photo/video camerapeople performing editorial tasks in combat zones.

On June 5, the Verkhovna Rada registered the draft bill which included allowing free traveling during curfew for journalists.

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