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Russia launches ROC-affiliated "Orthodox radio" in Melitopol

22.07.2024, 16:12

The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has launched the propagandistic "Orthodox radio" Vera ("Faith") in the occupied Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia oblast). The propaganda website "Zaporozhskoe Agentstvo Novostei" and some Telegram channels working in the Zaporizhia oblast TOT, reported this on July 20.

The ROC priest Maxim Smirnov spoke to the propagandists about the radio station opening. He announced that the radio will "preach the Gospel, broadcast stories about spiritual heritage, programs on history and culture, tradition and modernity, on kindness and mercy, as well as literary works, the best domestic and foreign music."

The station is "built following the rules of modern FM broadcasting" and is "intended to unite believers, helping them find the most important things in life – faith, hope, and love," write the propagandists.

The propagandistic Russian radio Vera entered the Russian FM range in September 2014 and currently broadcasts in 127 cities. Its stated mission is "teaching the foundations of the Christian worldview, cultural and historical education." It broadcasts music, talk shows and original programs: "Gospel Day by Day", "Family Stories with Tutta Larsen", "Names of Mercy", "Meeting a Masterpiece", "Light Evening", etc. The studio's guests are Orthodox priests and laypeople, cultural figures, heads of charities, teachers, psychologists, public figures."

The occupiers point out that the radio station works on donations from private individuals, foundations and curious listeners. According to the propagandists, this is a private non-commercial cultural and educational project, "created with the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church leader."

The radio's website states that it was founded by an autonomous non-profit "Information Center for Radio, Art, and Culture 'Faith, Hope, Love'". According Russia's open registers, it was licensed in 2012 in Moscow (Russia) and its founder has ties to two more Russian media organizations.

There are 12 FM frequencies used by propaganda radio stations in temporarily occupied Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia oblast). Two of them are occupied by "ZaRadio", which is part of the media holding "ZaMedia", created by the Russian propagandist Alexander Malkevich. The propaganda outlet "Radio Krym" and multiple Russian national radio stations such as "Radio Russia" also speak in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia oblast.

Earlier, Russian propagandists recently announced the opening of another radio station called "Yug Molody" in the temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhia oblast. The station is set to target Ukrainian youth.

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