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Over 10 propaganda radio stations speak in occupied Melitopol

28.06.2024, 13:03

There are 12 FM frequencies used by propaganda radio stations in temporarily occupied Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia oblast). Two of them are occupied by "ZaRadio", which is part of the media holding "ZaMedia", created by the Russian propagandist Alexander Malkevich. The propaganda outlet "Radio Krym" and multiple Russian national radio stations such as "Radio Russia" also speak in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia oblast, reports the Telegram channel "Novy Melitopol", providing the list of frequencies in question.

Two frequencies (103.2 and 10.2 FM) are occupied by the propaganda radio station "ZaRadio". The station was launched by Russia on the FM frequency in the occupied part of Zaporizhia oblast in September 2022. Two years later, "ZaRadio" speaks on two frequencies. The Telegram channel also reports that "Radio Krym" is speaking on the FM frequency 105.6. According to Russian registers, the radio is part of the media holding "Autonomous non-commercial organization Crimea Broadcasting", which includes 16 propaganda outlets. It was founded by the Russia-installed Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of Crimea in early July 2014.

"Radio Russia" was launched in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia oblast immediately after the Ukrainian territory was conquered. For example, in the occupied Enerhodar, the station started speaking within a month since the city was captured by Russian troops. Today it broadcasts on the FM frequency 92.3. "Radio of Russia" is part of the Russian state broadcasting company known as VGTRK.

Another propaganda outlet "Radio Zvezda" was created by the Russian Armed Forces broadcasting company "Zvezda". "Zvezda" speaks on the frequency 98.5.

"Radio 333" is another propaganda outlet speaking in occupied Melitopol. They describe themselves on Russian websites as follows: "Radio 333 is a patriotic radio, Russian both in content and in spirit. The name 'Radio 333', or the divine threes, symbolizes both the Trinity of Orthodox Christianity and the Russian army's attacking power." The artists performing for the radio include Yulia Chicherina, known for her radical support of the ruscist ideology, Oleg Gazmanov, Victoria Tsyganova, and other pro-Putin singers.

Another propaganda radio, "Pika-FM", speaks on the FM frequency 104.1. It calls itself a "Russian patriotic radio station" created by the first Cossack news agency "PIKA". The radio first went on air in July 2023 and currently speaks in occupied Melitopol only, but plans to expand to the so-called DPR, LPR and the entire Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts. Like the other stations, they stream "Russian" or "patriotic" songs as well as propaganda programs which they call "analytical".

Five more radio stations in the occupied Melitopol have been broadcasting in Russia for many years and have now spread their signal to the TOT of Zaporizhia oblast. These are "Novoe Radio", "Dorozhnoe Radio", "Love Radio", "Russian Radio" and "Avtoradio".

As reported earlier, Russian propagandists recently announced the opening of another radio station called "Yug Molody" in the temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhia oblast. The station is set to target Ukrainian youth.

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