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Priamyi TV cameraman, soldier Pavlo Parkhomenko killed in combat

12.09.2024, 11:00

Pavlo Parkhomenko, a serviceman of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine and Priamyi TV cameraman, has been killed in action, announce Priamyi TV and Pavlo's brother Oleksandr.

"It is with deep sadness that I inform you that my brother Pavlo Parkhomenko died heroically while defending our Motherland. 'Parkhom' forever in our ranks! He was a real warrior who gave his life for the freedom and peace of our people. We will always remember his fortitude, bravery, courage, and sacrifice. Rest in peace, our Hero. Your cause will live in our hearts forever," Oleksandr wrote on Facebook.

The presenter on Priamyi TV said that Pavlo had worked on the channel since its inception. He has been defending Ukraine since 2014 in the Donbas, and with the start of the full-scale invasion in 2022, he voluntarily returned to the army without waiting to be drafted.

Pavlo Parkhomenko, photo by Myroslava Malyk on Facebook

"He was a real soldier who gave his life for the freedom and peace of the Ukrainian people, for each of us!" said the presenter, adding that Pavlo is survived by his little daughter, whom he loved incredibly.

Pavlo's funeral will take place on September 13 in Kyiv at the Lisove Cemetery.

Gathering for the wake ceremony begins by the wake hall at 10:30.

According to the Institute of Mass Information, Pavlo Parkhomenko is the 87th media worker to die as a result of Russia's full-scale aggression.

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