“Prestupnosti.net” required to provide its financial records and staff list

The director of the communal infectious diseases hospital in Mykolaiv required from LLC news agency "Ukrainian Media Group" (editor of "Prestupmosti.net") to provide its staff list, financial records, property listing and biography of the head of the publication. The editor in chief of "Prestupnosty.net" Anatoly Chubachenko posted a copy of the published information request on his page in Facebook.
He noted that the information requested by Svitlana Fedorova, director of "The Mykolaiv regional center of infectious diseases", was commercial classified information.
"You don't need to be an analyst to understand that this request is a reaction to our publications and our interest in the contract signed by the chairman of the Mykolayiv regional council Victoria Moskalenko with Svitlana Fedorova," Anatoliy Chubachenko said.
Earlier IMI reported that Svitlana Fedorova refused to provide to the journalist of the edition "Prestupnosti.net” (No Crime) Yulia Akimova the copy of the contract signed with the Mykolayiv Regional Council, under which she holds the position of hospital superior.
In her request, which the hospital director sent to the publication "Prestupnosti.net" on November 3, Svitlana Fedorova referred, in particular, to the provisions of the Law "On Access to Public Information".
She also asks for a list of employees, quarterly and annual financial statements of the company for the last three years, audit reports, a list of property owned by the media, biographical information of the head of the company, information on management salaries, information on contracts involving the media.
IMI lawyer Ali Safarov noted that parts one and two of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” defined who was the administrator of public information. IA Ukrainian Media Group LLC does not fit the criteria defined in this article. So, the company is not obliged to respond to a request for access to public information.
Also, the requested information, in addition to the statute and other non-classified information in accordance with the law, is information with limited access, in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Information", namely confidential information of a legal entity of private law. Thus, the requirement to provide such information is not based on the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine, ”the lawyer said.
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