Poltava journalists pass the address with their demands to the City Council

On July 26, an initiative group of journalists in Poltava sent an address to the deputies of the Poltava City Council. In it, media workers demand to hold a round table with the city authorities to discuss unsatisfactory communication and find ways to solve the problem. This was reported by the IMI representative in Poltava region.
The joint letter was signed by 29 journalists from "Poltavska Khvylia," "Fundament," "Kolo," "Poltavshchyna," 0532.ua, Gazeta.ua, freelance journalists, and media columnists.
According to the IMI representative, copies of the address have been sent to all deputies of the Poltava City Council. Also, the address has already been passed over for consideration to three deputy commissions. Deputies are to look into the journalists' demands next week, when the meetings of the deputy commissions are scheduled.
As IMI reported, on July 21 Poltava journalists claimed to have faced obstruction from City Council officials, namely the press office. The media workers demanded "professional and respectful treatment of the work of the mass media, namely by the Poltava City Council press office." On July 20, the journalists were not allowed into the City Council hall to attend a meeting with protesters.
The journalists complain about hearing bureaucratic formulas instead of answers to information requests; unability to receive the necessary comments promptly; lack of "live" communication with City Council officials, such as briefings; events being announced late, if ever. They also complain about the officials performing their duties unsatisfactorily and about the disregard of the laws "On mass media," "On information," "On television and radio broadcasting," "On news agencies" on the part of the head of the Poltava City Council press office Alina Ryabokon.
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