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Occupiers plan to create a "fighting Nazism museum" in Zelensky's apartment in Crimea

26.09.2023, 16:15

The Russians plan to create a "museum dedicated to the fight against Nazism" in the apartment of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, in the occupied Crimea, the Ukrainian President's Mission in Crimea reports on Facebook.

"The occupiers again have a 'rush' of creative and absurd ideas. They plan to create a museum dedticated to the fight against Nazism in the apartment of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, in the occupied Crimea," the Mission writes.

They add that Russian corporations are gradually starting to minimize their operations in occupied Crimea. For instance, the Yandex TV set-top box does not work in Crimea and prohibits 'viewing beyond the borders of the Russian Federation.' The Match-TV channels, owned by Gazprom-Media, have disabled subscriptions from Crimea.

At the same time, the occupation administration of Crimea is distributing the propaganda newspaper "Krymskaya Pravda", which underreports the war to appease the Russians.

"The newspaper is published free of charge, but what stands out about it is that there have been fewer mentions of the war; instead the attention is focused on daily routine. They also stress that that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is unsuccessful, so as to avoid any discontent," the message reads.

As IMI reported, on September 15, the administration of the Russian President sent a directive to Kremlin-controlled mass media demanding that they stop calling the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, the president.

The media are suggested either to avoid mentioning his position or use the phrase "Zelensky's regime" when reporting on Zelensky's work.

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