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NRC: Russians plan to move over 400 Donetsk children to Russia for "reeducation"

18.09.2024, 18:00

The Russians plan to take 430 children from occupied Donetsk on a "vacation" to Taganrog (Russia). The trip will involve a two-week propagandistic learning course, reports the National Resistance Center.

"These plans have nothing to do with the children's wellbeing, but are part of a deep strategy aimed to re-educate the young generation through propaganda," writes the Ukrainian underground resistance.

According to the NRC, in some cases the parents who sent their children to such camps later face bureaucratic or physical obstacles when trying to take them back, which prevents families from reuniting.

The National Resistance Center calls on their readers to report those who interfere with the reunion of families to an anonymous chatbot.

As the IMI reported, Russian propagandists (including employees of the state media outlet TASS) have given lectures to schoolchildren in the occupied parts of Kherson oblast. The lectures took place during the so-called "talks on what matters" – the mandatory weekly propaganda lessons given in schools in Russia and the occupied territories.

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