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Journalist Oleksiy Kosenko dies tragically in Lutsk

17.06.2024, 10:35

Oleksiy Kosenko (34), journalist and editor of the website "Rayon.Skadovsk", passed away. He died on the night of June 15 in Lutsk, reports "".

The editors note that the death was caused by a difficult mental state. The man had a hard time coping with the war and the forced relocation from Kherson.

Oleksiy Kosenko worked in the Kherson City Council, survived the occupation. Due to constant shelling in the city, he made the difficult decision to move to Lutsk, where he lived for almost a year.

Oleksiy Kosenko / Photo by on Facebook

In the summer of 2023, Oleksiy joined the "" team. He became the news feed editor for the website "Rayon.Skadovsk".

In November 2023, Oleksiy Kosenko talked on Hromadske Interactive Television about what news he dreamt of writing:

"As a news editor, I really want to write that Skadovsk and Hola Prystan, which is part of the Skadovsk district, have at last been liberated. This will be really great news."

In Oleksiy Kosenko's obituary, the editors noted that he was very active, sociable and friendly. He loved to join in all the team's activities. He organized pastime events: like in Kherson in the past, these were excursions, as Oleksiy was also a tour guide. He was closely involved in the community of IDPs from Kherson in Lutsk.

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