IMI sent request to Presidential Office about criteria for press accreditation

Institute of Mass Information NGO sent a request for access to public information of the President's Office regarding the accreditation of journalists for the press conference of Volodymyr Zelensky, which took place on May 20.
Here is the text of the request:
"According to the official website of the President of Ukraine, on Wednesday, 20th of May, at 10:30 the press conference of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr had to take place. At the same time, that announcement had no details about the procedure and conditions of accreditation of journalists for this event.
In conjunction with the foregoing and based on the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", in particular on the basis of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", we ask you to provide the following information and documents in form of e-mail to the address specified in this request (with joined documents), following the procedure and within the time limits as it is stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", namely:
- A copy of the ruling, order or other document establishing the list of journalists, technicians and mass media outlets which are admitted to take part in the press conference of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.
- Criteria for selection of journalists who have been accredited for this event, and we ask you to name the grounds for selection of certain journalists and media and the grounds for refusal to some or other journalists and mass media. "
IMI reported, a number of journalists were denied in accreditation to the press conference of the President Volodymyr Zelensky on May 20, namely the TV crews of at least two channels - UMN (skrypin. Ua) and "Nastoyaschee Vremya" - and journalists of five publications: Ukraynsky Tyzhden, Bukvy,, Babel, Glavcom, as well as the author of the project "Soromno" Yanina Sokolova.
"Due to the quarantine measures introduced in Ukraine in order to counter the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of media representatives who will take part in the press conference of the President of Ukraine is limited," the OP wrote in response to journalists' requests for accreditation.
In particular, the head "Glavkom " Victor Shlinchak said that this was for the first time in 10 years when the news agency was denied in accreditation for the President's press conference.
Ukrainsky Tyzhden’s correspondent Stanislav Kozlyuk said his edition had been denied for the second time. They were not accredited for the press marathon, which took place on October 10, 2019, allegedly due to lack of time, but the publication's correspondent Andriy Holub managed to get on it and ask questions.
We will remind, the press conference of the president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky took place on Wednesday, May 20, at 10:30.For the first and single time, Volodymyr Zelensky held a press conference on October 10, 2019. Then it was in the format of a press marathon and lasted for more than 14 hours.
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