IMI expert giving a class to media workers: A journalist's main task during war is to survive

A journalist's main task in wartime is to survive, said Oleksandr Ruban, a journalist and expert at the Institute of Mass Information, during the training class for Chernihiv media workers "Wartime journalism: real experience and effective advice".
The class took place in the regional IMI hub "Mediabaza. Chernihiv" on February 17, 2024.
Oleksandr Ruban explained what a journalist should carry on them during a trip to a combat area.
The IMI expert stressed that any mission to a combat zone begins with assessing the risks and planning to minimize them. "A journalist's main task in wartime is to survive," said Oleksandr Ruban.
Using his own experience as an example, he described what safety situations journalists may face while reporting on the front line and how to act to film good content without harm to one's own health.
Oleksandr Ruban also gave advice on how to successfully plan your route and how journalists should behave at checkpoints.
The most important thing that the speaker focused on was that every media worker on their war to a combat area should have a key contact. That is, a person who knows the journalist's entire route, is in touch 24/7 and knows what to do in emergency situations.
“They must oversee all aspects of the contact protocol, keep a list of all team members and their contact details, blood type, next of kin and verifying questions. Moreover, they must monitor the safety situation in the area where the team is working and send them updates as needed," said Oleksandr Ruban.
Finally, the IMI expert provided journalists with a list of things and devices that they may need during a trip to a combat area.
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