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Hackers try to access investigator Mykhailo Tkach's Facebook profile

22.02.2024, 13:26

"Ukrainian Pravda" journalist Mykhailo Tkach reports that someone tried to access his Facebook profile.

"Friends, why bother with the codes? Just write down my password right away – it's Mykola Tyshchenko's birthday," the journalist wrote ironically.

In a comment to the IMI, the "Ukrainian Pravda" editor-in-chief Sevgil Musaieva noted that at the moment it was difficult to say who is behind these attempts, because Mykhailo was not at the office.

When asked about the possible involvement of Russian hackers, Sevgil Musaieva said that until the editorial team investigates the incident they can neither confirm nor deny this.

Attacks on Mykhailo Tkach

In November 2023, Ukrainian Pravda journalist Mykhailo Tkach was assaulted while filming in Kozyn, Kyiv oblast.

In early October 2022, Ukrainian Pravda journalist Mykhailo Tkach reported SMS-bombing and mass phone calls after the publication of his story "Wartime Fast and Furious. How the capital's residents are being terrorized by street races" on September 28.

Later, Mykhailo Tkach reported facing obstruction of his journalistic work and associates it with the publication of this story.

On October 13, Mykhailo Tkach reported being hit by a car. He added that he is "not inclined" to associate this case with his professional work, but noted that the VAZ driver sped up in front of a pedestrian crossing and in front of him. The Committee for Protection of Journalists (CPJ) called on the Ukrainian authorities to investigate the persecution of the Ukrainska Pravda team and the obstruction of the work of journalist Mykhailo Tkach.

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