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Body of a British journalist found under the Kramatorsk hotel rubble

25.08.2024, 20:45
Photo by the National Police
Photo by the National Police

A UK citizen aged 40 who was a journalist with a foreign media outlet died in a Russian missile strike on a hotel in Kramatorsk. His body was retrieved from under the rubble of the destroyed hotel, report the National Police and the Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office.

According to the National Police, the body of the deceased media worker was discovered by the State Emergency Service at 6:35 p.m. after 19 hours of searching.

The casualties inlcude four injured reporters: citizens of the USA, Germany, Latvia, and Ukraine. The men received explosion injuries, brain contusion, leg fracture, concussion, cuts and bruises. The injured journalists, aged 38, 40, 41 and 46, were provided with medical assistance. Two of them have been hospitalized, the others are being treated on an outpatient basis.

Two local women, 32 and 34 years old, were also affected by the shelling, receiving explosion injuries. There was also damage to an apartment building.

The National Police notes that Russia struck the hotel where a crew of foreign reporters was staying with an Iskander-M missile.

The police has documented Russia's war crime; the collected material was sent to the SBU for a pre-trial investigation. 
The incident was filed under Part 2 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the laws and customs of war).

As reported earlier, a member of a Reuters filming crew covering the war in Ukraine has gone missing and two others have been hospitalized after a Russian strike on a hotel in Kramatorsk on the evening of August 24.

According to the Donetsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office, journalists with a foreign media outlet, aged 38 and 40, were injured on the hotel's premises. They were diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury, brain contusion, leg fracture, concussion and cuts on the body. Another one is probably under the rubble.

The police have started a pre-trial investigation within proceedings forf violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

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