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IMI summed up results of survey into web-based editions on new comprehensive methodology

28.05.2019, 18:44
(Photo credits: IMI summed up the results of its monitoring of web-based editions on the new comprehensive methodology aiming to evaluate professionalism and responsibility of these media. The methodology is based on IMI’s own experience, methodologies and analytics. IMI elaborated its idea inspiring by such international initiatives as UnitedforNews, TheTrust, and the Internews Network team. The web-based editions were evaluated based on 12 criteria, the edition received one point for each of the categories if: • The level of compliance with the standard of truthfulness was not less than 85% • The level of compliance with the balance was not less than 90% • The level of compliance with the standard of separation of facts from comments was not less than 95% • The level of its own news was not less than 30% • Lack of jeansa (paid-for stories) in the main newsline • Lack of improper labeling in the main newsline • Lack of black PR • Lack of hate speech • The lack of sexism and the objectivation of women • Lack of fake news • The editions functionning is transparent and its owner (the ultimate beneficiary) editor in chief, contacts are indicated • The site has an editorial line. The list included web-based editions which scored 9 or more points. As a result of this survey, the following web-based media were included in this list (sequence of websites is not significant, as this list is not a rating): “Liga” (, “Ukrayinska Pravda” (, Ukrinform (, Radio Liberty (, “Novoe Vremya” (, “Dzerkalo Tyzhdnya” (, “Ukrayinsky Tyzhden”(, “Slovo I dilo (, “Ukrayinski natsionalni novyny”(, Hromadske ( On the average, the media that composed this list had the level of compliance with the standard of credibility of 97.5% (from the total number of materials which were analyzed), 96% of the balance of materials, and the standard of separation of facts from comments was violated only in 2% of the stories. At the same time, the level of its own news was at the average 50% of the materials. More information about the monitoring methodology is available at the link. This survey was made thanks to the support of the American people, which was provided through the USAID "Media Program in Ukraine" project, which is being implemented by the international organization Internews. The content of the materials is solely under the responsibility of the NGO "Institute for Mass Information" and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US government and Internews.
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