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Until October 21st : deadline for election talk on security of journalists

16.10.2020, 12:13

On October 22, at 17:00 IMI is to hold an online election talk on security for mass media.

The webinar will be beneficial for journalists who are going to work on election day and covering establishing the vote results. The speakers will talk about some unexpected things that can happen to the journalists at the polling stations, will thouroughly analyze some incidents the journalists had been encountering in real life and will give professional safety advice.


  • Stanislav Kozliuk, reporter and photojournalist for Ukrayinsky Tyzhden weekly
  • Iryna Zemlyana, IMI media expert and security trainer

All registered participants will be sent a link to Zoom conference. 

The duration of the webinar is one hour, and "questions and answers" session is provided.

Please, fill out the form.


Deadline - 9:00 p.m.on October 21.

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