Журналістам-фрілансерам. Прийом заявок для консультацій з безпеки
01.02.2018, 11:27
фото Rory Peck Trust
1 березня 2018 р. Rory Peck Trust та Frontline Freelance Register організовують індивідуальні консультації для журналістів-фрілансерів з провідними експертами з безпеки. Для тих, хто не може бути в Лондоні, є можливість зв'язку через Signal. Кількість місць обмежена, консультації будуть проводитися англійською мовою.
Прийом заявок закінчується 12 лютого 2018 року.
Деталі англійською.
Following the success of our safety surgeries in July 2017, Rory Peck Trust, Frontline Freelance Register and leading security experts will again be facilitating one-to-one safety consultations free of charge.
The freelance safety surgeries will be held on THURSDAY 1 MARCH 2018. These are for freelance journalists, photographers and filmmakers and are available on a limited basis.
Security advisors from organisations including 1st Option Safety, Andy Kain and Partners, AKE, Blue Mountain Group and Buzzfeed will be at the Frontline Club in central London to provide personal guidance on general safety issues, risk assessment, assignment planning and digital security.
The guidance is intended to give freelancers who are regularly working in hostile environments access to knowledge and expertise that will help them improve their safety skills.
Individual consultations will last up to 45 minutes and can be booked for safety, risk assessment and digital security. One-to-one consultations via Signal are available for those living outside of the UK or unable to travel to London.
To book your safety surgery, please fill in the attached booking form. As our safety surgeries in 2017 were fully booked, these will be given on a first come, first served basis.
Deadlines for applications: MONDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2018.
Book your place hereDownload RPT's Risk Assessment templates here
Please note: freelancers are free to bring assignment/story plans and draft risk assessments to discuss with their allocated security advisor, but please note these consultations are NOT intended as safety ‘sign off’s for individual risk assessments or travel plans. Any advice given should form part of your own assignment preparation, not act as a replacement for it.
Participants' feedback from 2017:
“Thank you for the fantastic safety consultations ... great sessions that were really valuable so we really appreciate ... all the time and knowledge offered by the experts in the room.”
“Really helpful ... so good to be able to pick the brains of an expert ... some really good advice. Much appreciated”
“Learned a ton and am very grateful.”
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