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Zaporizhzhia journalist threatened while photographing shelling aftermath

30.09.2024, 11:12

Residents of a Zaporizhzhia private sector, which was targeted by Russian anti-aircraft missiles, interfered with the work of Elmira Shahabudtdynova, a journalist with the local website, as she was photographing the aftermath of the Russian strike.

Elmira Shahabudtdynova reported this to Natalia Vyhovska, the Institute of Mass Information representative in Zaporizhia oblast.

According to the journalist, the people blocked her way, insulted her, threatened her, and demanded she delete the pictures she had already taken. They claimed that journalists only make things worse and that it is them who cause the shelling.

The incident occurred in the morning of September 29, when Elmira arrived at a Zaporizhzhia private sector location which had been damaged in a Russian KAB strike during the night.

A Zaporizhzhia private sector affected by Russian strikes on the night of September 29, 2024, photo by Elmira Shahabudtdynova

"As I was working, an unknown local woman stopped me, blocked my way, started shouting and demanded I delete the photos I had already taken. I introduced myself, showed my ID and credentials. However, this did not help. The woman continued to shout at me, curse and accuse me, saying that journalists are only making thigs worse and that we are the reason the strikes happen," said Elmira Shahabudtdynova.

According to the journalist, the woman tried to grab the phone from her hands and threatened to call the police. After some time, the woman was joined by several other locals who blocked the journalist's path, scolded her and did not let her pass. Finally, the woman called the police, but when the patrol arrived, the residents did not let the journalist meet the policemen.

"As far as I know, the woman filed a statement against me with the police, the content of which is unknown to me. In turn, I also filed a statement on obstruction of reporting," the journalist said.

According to Elmira Shahabudtdynova, the police officers who arrived at the scene did not ask her for any explanations, but simply took the statements and left. Later, when the journalist contacted the communication department of the Zaporizhzia National Police HQ, its representatives also arrived and tried to explain the situation to the attacker. Elmira notes that the woman behaved aggressively with the police as well, however, they finally gave her "green light" to work and the journalist was able to make a report from the scene.

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