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Yanukovych files a lawsuit against

03.04.2017, 12:20

Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych filed a lawsuit demanding the online edition to publish refutation of chairman "Oschadbank" Andriy Pyshnyy. The website of online edition reported.

Pyshnyy said that more than 1,150 billion hryvnia stays in "Oschadbank", on accounts of Yanukovych and former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. Andriy Pyshnyy told this in an interview to chief editor Sonia Koshkin and editor of economic department Andriy Yanitskyy, on November 10, 2016. became aware of the lawsuit by definition of Kyiv Pechersk District Court as of March20, 2017.
As part of the lawsuit on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, Yanukovych claims to recognise Pyshnyy's words as unreliable and obligate outlet to refute them.

However, the court left the claim without movement, pointing out that one of the court fees is still unpaid.
The court gave time to a plaintiff to correct violations - five days after receiving a copy of the court.rouling

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