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War correspondent Anastasia Volkova dies in Slovyansk (updated)

30.05.2024, 21:40

Anastasia Volkova. Photo – screenshot from Dom TV

Ukraine's international channel correspondent, war reporter Anastasia Volkova died in Slovyansk (Donetsk oblast), reports Freedom TV. According to IMI's sources, Anastasia was killed in a car crash.

Anastasia Volkova worked in the hot spots of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts all the time.

"I was born and raised in Luhansk and lost my first home. So my profession is everything for me. Right now, it is the meaning of my life. And when I can visit my land for work, my heart is filled with pain and a thirst to do more to speak out on the disaster that Russia has brought to Ukraine, to report on the crimes of the Russian troops. I really want to see my home, which I haven't seen since 2014, but I also want everyone to understand what price Ukrainians pay every day of this liberation struggle," Nastya said about her work; she dreamed of being the first Ukrainian journalist to film a report from liberated Luhansk.

Anastasia Volkova was born in Shchastya, Luhansk oblast, graduated from the Journalism Department of the Volodymyr Dahl University of Eastern Ukraine.

She has worked as a war correspondent for Ukraine's international broadcasting channels since 2018. In June 2022, she was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree.

Anastasia Volkova was 31 years old.

IMI extends our deepest condolences to Anastasia's family, friends and colleagues.

Updated May 31 at 10:05: Anastasia Volkova was injured in a crash between two cars in Slovyansk. She died in the hospital, reports "Novyny Donbasu".

As the media outlet learned from the police and eyewitnesses, Anastasia was on a pedestrian crossing in the city's center. At that moment, two cars — a blue minibus and a green VAZ — collided on the roadway. The impact was so strong that a car was thrown towards Anastasia. The VAZ driver died on the spot.

"Novyny Donbasu" writes that Anastasia had made many relevant videos for their media outlet about people's lives and the impact of Russian shelling in the area. She reported from the front-line zone, repeatedly coming under fire.

Nastya spent the last few weeks before her death in the hospital. She was being treated for an illness that affected her lungs.

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