Until 26 June journalists can apply for Thomson Reuters Foundation’s COVID-19 Hub training course

Thomson Reuters Foundation’s COVID-19 Crisis Reporting Hub calls journalists from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia and Belarus to apply for an intensive 12-weeks online training course COVID-19 Hub.
The main task of this program is to make journalists to get theoretical knowledge and skills to cover coronavirus outbreak and effects of pandemic.
The training course will be aiming at applying knowledge into practice and thoroughly correction work whilke gathering the information, writing and editing.
Once a week, the participants will gather for a live 90-minute virtual session with trainers and/or expert speakers, as well as once in two weeks they will meet for a live 90-minute virtual pratical online session with trainer in groups of five persons. During the training course, all participants are expected to write two-three stories, with the assistance of trainers.
The program will include next learning packages :
- How to cover the crisis in terms of editorial task (among other things - the types of materials, the needs of the audience, the search for new topics and formats to cover a protracted topic)
- Work with sources of information (in particular, reliable scientific resources, work with databases, medical research, specialized interviews)
- Best and worst practices for pandemic story visualization and its impact on digital platforms
- Work with victims, patients, medical workers
- Exploring new online tools and platforms
- Recommendations for finding reliable information and detecting fake news
- Ethics and standards of work with the subject of coronavirus
- Physical and emotional security for journalists: how to protect yourself
- Coverage of economic and political aspects of the crisis
Several mini-grants for story-telling are supposed to be offered within the program.
The head of the Hub is Nina Kuryata, Ukraine journalist, media coach and media adviser. For 16 years, she worked as an editor in Ukrainian and foreign print and online publications, as well as on the radio. For eight years (2011-2019), she headed BBC News Ukraine. Master in Journalism, Candidate of Biological Sciences (microbiology). Trainer on new media, convergence, regional media development, COVID-19 coverage in media and communication science. Author of the course "Scientific Journalism" at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
Hub Coordinator - Emine Ziyatdinova, Project Manager, Photojournalist and Media Consultant. She has seven years of experience in the media as a photojournalist, producer and photo editor, as well as three years of experience in project management. After moving to the UK in 2017, she worked as a program coordinator in the Eurasian region at the Rory Peck Trust, as well as a media consultant at the Thomson Reuters Foundation. He holds master's degrees in sociology from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and in visual communications from Ohio University.
The training course is designed for journalists who has at least two years of experience. Dates of the program - from July 7 to September 25, 2020 inclusive.
20 candidates can be admitted for this training course.
Applicants must be residents of next countries: Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia and Belarus.
They have to work as full-time journalists or regular contributors for local media organisations in those countries.
They must have a minimum of two years of professional experience and have a good level of spoken and written Russian. Russian is the main language of this training course, some times tutors or trainers can give advice in English, the publications can be written in a language of the editorial offices of selected candidates.
They have to be willing to commit themselves to work in full during all 12 weeks.
They have to be adepts of an impartial, accurate and independent journalism.
- 2 relevant work samples (maximum file size 5 MB) – in Russian or in English. TV/Radio journalists can send in their scripts and a brief summary.
- As to full-time journalists, they must present the recommendation letter from the editorial board (maximum file size 5 MB) in Russian or in English, in which the employer confirms that your participation in the program has been agreed and the edition interested in publishing the stories on proposed themes.
• A biography of up to 250 words outlining your career
• A statement of between 250 and 500 words describing any factors affecting your work as a journalist and how you hope to benefit from this training program which you are applying for.
Deadline is 256 June 2020 including. All selected candidates will be informed by e-mail on 1st July 2020. Thompson Reuters Foundation is not to comment on the results of selection of candidates.
The training course is held with support of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
If you have any difficulties applying, please email [email protected] with subject “EAP Crisis Hub Program”.
You can apply here.
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