Ukraynska Pravda supported Poroshenko and Sternenko, but called on their supporters to stop putting pressure on its journalists

The Ukrayinska Pravda editorial board said to they would cover the cases of former President Petro Poroshenko and activist Serhiy Sternenko, but called Poroshenko’s and Sternenko’s supporters to "stop the harassment and renounce the hostile tone" against UP’s journalists, as UP said in its statement, published on June 16.
"We are sure that yesterday’s (15 June. - Ed. ) doings in the Shevchenkivsky Court and outside, where the judges were to impose the pre-trial restraint measure for an activist Sergei Sternenko and the latest developments around the fifth President of Petro Poroshenko – are out of line with the Ukraine’s modern history."
Sternenko's trial is "makes us think of a hastily directed show with a defined in advance finale," and the cases against Poroshenko are like "a maniacal search for clues" to imprison Poroshenko at any cost, and "an ordinary revenge."
"The irony of circumstances wants that Poroshenko knows better than anyone else about our fidelity to principles and impartiality, as he has repeatedly been subjected to meaningful criticism from Ukrayinska Pravda." However, now, as a person suffering from selective prosecution, he can count on our attention. Like everyone who faces injustice, ” the UP’s statement said
At the same time, UP noted that supporters of Poroshenko and Sternenko harassed and had a hostile tone towards UP journalists.
The publication found such rhetoric unworthy of civic society. “Discussion should always be held with respect. Without engaging in ad hominem attacks and insults. It is wrong to defend some and despise others. We suggest to you and to your friends to stop this harassment and avoid employing such an hostile tone, ”the statement read.
Ukrayinska Pravda noted that any attempt to interference to its work by politicians, activists, officials or business representatives (anyone) "can be seen as pressure, and attempts to limit our right to report facts to the public as an attempt at censorship." .
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