UBR TV channel stop broadcasting from January 1
Media holding "Vesti Ukraine" declares about cease of UBR channel broadcasting because "unpredictable policy regulators, the lack of transparent rules, the existence of double standards for market participants." The media holding website reported.
"Today, in Ukraine media with an alternative point of view and objective criticism are in a harsh conditions for survival. Pro-government broadcasters are in favour, while opposition media are punished for the slightest fault without any concessions. "Media Holding Vesti Ukraine decided to stop broadcasting of the UBR channel in terms of unpredictable policy regulators, the lack of transparent rules, the existence of double standards for market participants," - statement says.
"In a situation of constant turbulence of business in Ukraine, the National Council's groundless claims and prejudice to the Holding license assets, there is no future for development and movement forward. Instead, we intend to implement a global trend of "first video" in a completely new project, "- head of media holding Olha Semchenko said.
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