"They were very rude," says the wife of detained Crimean citizen journalist Osmanov about the search of their house

While "searching" the home of citizen journalist Rolan Osmanov, officers of the Russian FSB threw some furniture over, and Rolan himself was immediately knocked down to the ground and handcuffed.
His wife Zemine spoke to the public initiative "Crimean Solidarity" about this.
According to her, she immediately took the children to the bedroom so that they wouldn't see the "search" and get scared, and Rolan, in turn, asked the security officers to show their documents. Only one of them did so.
"The search began very rudely. They started turning everything over, very aggressively. I said, why are you turning things over like that. He said, 'You should have behaved normally.' They started turning over the wardrobes, the old chest of my mother-in-law. They turned over old chairs. Then they moved to the nursery. There they didn't poke around much – just opened the wardrobes, looked over the children's things, and left. They searched everything in the bedroom, lifting the mattress, the boards. They found some money, I took it," said Zemine Osmanova.
She noted that during the search, her mother-in-law became ill and fainted. The security officers advised them to call an ambulance on their own.
Zemine Osmanova added that during the "search" one of the security officers called someone, probably his colleague, who asked how many people had gathered around the house.
As IMI reported, Russian security forces searched the house of activist, blogger and citizen journalist Rolan Osmanov in Urozhayne village (Simferopol district) in the occupied Crimea, took him to "the FSB office in Simferopol" afterwards. According to public initiative "Crimean Solidarity", the search was carried out by FSB officers following a report of a railway sabotage in the Bağçasaray district on February 23, 2023.
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