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The IMI recommends using the terms "aggressive propaganda" and "genocidal rhetoric" to refer to Russian propaganda

01.11.2023, 16:52
Photo: screenshot from the livestream by Ukrinform
Photo: screenshot from the livestream by Ukrinform

The director of the Institute of Mass Information, Oksana Romaniuk, suggests that instead of the word "propaganda", specific terms such as "aggressive propaganda" or "genocidal rhetoric" should be used in the context of Russia's full-scale war and its hate crimes targeting Ukraine.

She said this on November 1 at the press conference "Disinformation and genocidal rhetoric: how is Russia fighting Ukrainians in the media space?" at the Ukraine-Ukrinform Media Center.

"I suggest we do not call what Russia is doing propaganda, but use specific terms for it instead: aggressive propaganda, as part of the crime of aggression and endorsement of war, and genocidal rhetoric, which is a term we proposed a year ago after studying what Russia is doing."

"We believe that it is a crime and we want the people involved in this crime to be brought to justice not only at the national level, but also internationally. That is why terminology is very important," said Oksana Romaniuk.

She also noted that in the context of Ukraine, the IMI considers aggressive propaganda an element of endorsing war as stipulated in Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Planning, preparation and waging of an aggressive war) and Article 438 (the crime of aggression).

We remind that the Institute of Mass Information is gathering evidence which will help prosecute Russian propagandists for endorsing a genocide of Ukrainians. Moreover, the IMI is working to help "cultural genocide" emerge as a concept in international law, as to date it is yet to be approved at the international level.

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