The authorities suspect director of russian RT channel in calls for genocide of Ukrainians

Anton Kuznetsov-Krasovsky, director of russia's RT channel, is suspected of publicly calling for forceful overthrow of the constitutional order in Ukraine, as well as for genocide of Ukrainians.
This is stated in the text of the suspicion, according to Sudovy Reporter.
He has been notified of suspicion for public calls for forceful overthrow of the constitutional order, dissemination of related content via the media (Part C of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), as well as public calls for genocide, production of content calling for genocide, and dissemination of such content (2 Article 442 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
According to the investigation, in January–March 2022, russian citizen Anton Kuznetsov-Krasovsky was publicly calling for violent overthrow of the constitutional order in Ukraine.
He was doing it on social media, the media, and the TV channel RT. The suspect is a public figure who influences the audience of the aforementioned TV channel, and was aware that his calls were available to an unlimited number of people and could contribute to the formation of negative public opinion about Ukraine.
At a time unknown to the pre-trial investigation, but no later than March 29, Anton Kuznetsov-Krasovsky, from an unspecified location, turned on an online stream on RT's official YouTube channel, where he spoke negatively about the existence of Ukraine as an independent and sovereign state and encouraged the elimination of its independence and the overthrow of the constitutional order in it.
Also during the live stream, Kuznetsov-Krasovsky was fostering the anti-Ukrainian sentiment among his russian audience and arguing that a violent solution to the conflict between russia and Ukraine would be expedient.
The video, titled "Bitch, this country should not exist!" and containing an excerpt from the livestream with the suspect's statements about the overthrow of the constitutional order in Ukraine, was posted on YouTube.
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